"…each day I take to the roads as a beginner, a child, a poet. Seeking the innocence of the beginner, the wonder of the child and the vision of the poet. Hoping for new appreciation of the landscape, a new perspective of my inner world , some new insights on life, a new response to existence and myself.

There are times, more often than the good times, when I fail. I never do pierce the shield. I return with a shopping list of things to do tomorrow. The miraculous has gone unseen. The message has gone unheard. I have had one of those loveless days on a lovely day for love.

Still, there is always the chance I'll have beginner's luck. And this run, this hour, this day may begin in delight and end in wisdom."
Dr. George Sheehan

Friday, March 9, 2012

Arizona Trail

10.6 miles in 1h33min - all trail, Arizona Trail.

It's absolutely beautiful. I promise to myself that next time i will take my camera with me.
The trail leads to Walnut Canyon and on its way passed Fishers Point. The first 4 miles are on a dirt road which transforms into a single trail. I've never seen a proper technical trail in my life but for me it seems like on. Patches of snow and slippery mud, - a lot of fun, because it was a descending slope. On my way back i worked my quads hard. really satisfying. finally i'm getting a proper workout, with my heart rate oscillating between 152-171 bpm.

check out the route and elevation. if anyone is interested i can upload google earth gps file (whatever its called) so you can have a 3d perspective. amazing trail :)

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