"…each day I take to the roads as a beginner, a child, a poet. Seeking the innocence of the beginner, the wonder of the child and the vision of the poet. Hoping for new appreciation of the landscape, a new perspective of my inner world , some new insights on life, a new response to existence and myself.

There are times, more often than the good times, when I fail. I never do pierce the shield. I return with a shopping list of things to do tomorrow. The miraculous has gone unseen. The message has gone unheard. I have had one of those loveless days on a lovely day for love.

Still, there is always the chance I'll have beginner's luck. And this run, this hour, this day may begin in delight and end in wisdom."
Dr. George Sheehan

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sedona St Patrick's Parade

today was an interesting day. i helped out my friend Chuck, professor at NAU (Northern Arizona University), at a parade which he prepares with his Park and Recreation students. he does it each year for the past 14 years.
a lot of stuff going on. A lot of floats, Rangers, Fire Fighters with their fire engines, boy's and girl's scouts, SAR (Search and Rescue), Verde Cavalry, Humane Society, Sudden Link, bag pipe band, Army, etc. I enjoyed it a lot. Plus i got to navigate the traffic :)
unfortunately i have only two pics, because there wasn't any time to take them.
i was right at the end of the parade. Jordan Str.

it was pretty cold in the morning :)   
after i got home i went for a 6.5 mile jog (usual route. down south to lake mary road and back). i felt like crap, no energy at all. my knees and ankles were bitching because i was standing for 4 hours in one place (no complaints there ;)
it took me 40 minutes to shake off the rust and than i was cruising. i haven't felt so good in a long time. my legs were in syncs, i felt as if i was flying along the trail. awesome feeling.
i got back and saw that Mom was back from her psychological thing, and there was my package with all the swimming gear. yeaaah! so i changed and we went to the gym and i went to the pool. at first it felt weird swimming for the first time in more than a year, but after half an hour or so i felt better and better. all in all i did 766 yards in 40 minutes. we'll see how it goes from there.

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